Specific micronutrition for before & after any type of bariatric surgery
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What happens after surgery?

Bariatric surgery has a huge impact on your body. You are able to eat less, you feel full sooner and in many cases you have a reduced intake of vitamins and minerals. 

This is why it is recommended to adapt your eating and drinking habits, to get enough exercise and to take food supplements lifelong in order to avoid nutrient deficiencies, to obtain durable weight-loss and to stay in shape.

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Starterkit "Multivitamins & Minerals"

Do you want to explore the available tastes and forms of our products first? This starterkit provides you:

  • The Multi capsules and chewables for almost 2 weeks
  • € 5 discount upon your next purchase
  • Samples of Calcium and Whey Protein powder

Why choose Bariatric Advantage?

Bariatric Advantage supplements are scientifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of those who have had or will be having bariatric surgery (Gastric Bypass, Sleeve or other bariatric procedures). We believe that through quality and adherence to scientific principles, we can help support a vision of life-long health.  

Bariatric Advantage offers vitamins, minerals & proteins that are well absorbed by the body.  Several flavors and forms are available to facilitate your daily supplement intake.


Why specific nutrition?

Make your new beginning a lasting success!

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About us

It's our vision to help you live happier, healthier lives.

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Our Multivitamin is recommended by 96% of our customers*

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