What are the consequences of a stomach reduction?

Results stomach reduction
November 13, 2020
What are the consequences of a stomach reduction?

Many people undergo a stomach reduction:  a sleeve (gastric sleeve) or gastric bypass because they are experiencing too many disadvantages of being overweight. The prospect of weighing many kilograms less, of being able to move more and wear other clothes again, is very appealing. It is a fact that a stomach reduction changes your whole life. But sometimes this kind of surgery is severely underestimated, because it still has many other consequences, both physical and mental. We sum them up below.

Physical results of a stomach reduction

It is obvious that you will see your body change drastically after a stomach reduction. Not only does the scale show how many kilograms you have lost, but you will also feel a considerable difference in centimeters. Suddenly, your pants of 5 years ago fit gain and your favorite dress fits like a glove. Still a stomach reduction has many other physical consequences.

    • Just like every surgery, a stomach reduction has many risks: bleedings, gastric ulcers, leaks, kidney or gall stones.
    • After surgery, some people suffer from bloating, dizziness, abdominal cramps or dumping complaints.
    • The more kilo’s you have lost, the more excess skin you have. It is not a sinecure to get your body tight again. This will ask a lot of discipline. Excess skin is not only an esthetic issue, but it also causes skin rash, infections and even backpain.
    • Practicing sports or moving remains a must. If you are not a real sportsman or if you hate moving, this will remain a challenge.
    • A Burgundian lifestyle is definitely part of the past. Though you might still want to, you will feel full much quicker during the meal. Full is full, even if your mind would like to eat many more delicious things. This is not always a pleasant feeling.

Although it is much more difficult to eat a lot, unfortunately, you can ‘train’ your body to eat more. After a while, you will be able to eat more and more again. That is why some patients regain weight after a while. Weight gain is one of the most important disadvantages in the long term.

Mental consequences after a stomach reduction

A stomach reduction does not only have clear physical results, but many mental consequences as well. That is why it is important that the underlying cause of extreme overweight is tackled as well. What is the cause of all that weight gain over the years? Do you eat because you are feeling lonely? Are you an emo-eater? Or are there some events of the past that you haven’t processed yet? It is important to get psychological help in time, to make sure you don’t fall back into your old habits. A stomach reduction has some other mental consequences as well.

    • For many people, eating or drinking is a reward. Do you have something to celebrate? Then you open a bottle or get something good to eat. With such events, it is not easy to consciously deal with food.  It may feel like a punishment.
    • Some people may have a hard time accepting their new body. While they are able to wear totally different clothes, in their heads they still feel fat.
    • You may start to act differently after surgery, because you feel more self-confident, or maybe because you miss your old body. That is not always easy for your environment.
    • Sometimes people are feeling a little depressed, after a feeling of disappointment about the impact on the life quality.
    • Because alcohol enters the bloodstream more quickly after a stomach reduction, some people tend to an alcohol addiction.

Other consequences of bariatric surgery

After bariatric surgery, you need to turn your whole lifestyle around drastically. Surgery helps you to lose weight quickly and easily, but then it is up to you! It remains an everlasting challenge to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You have to deal with this consciously every day. It is not an easy job to completely change your former diet. You will need some time to get used to it. It is very tempting to fall back into your old habits. A bag of crisps with your favorite series on Netflix? A fistful of cocktail nuts at a wedding reception? If it is once a month, it is okay. But if you do this every evening, your health will be jeopardized again.

You can only maintain a healthy lifestyle if you remember the following things:

    • Do not exaggerate with your portions. Put it on a small plate. Everything outside the plate, is too much.
    • Chew well and eat slowly and calmly.
    • Go for healthy snacks and drink enough water between the meals to avoid dehydration.
    • Take your multivitamins with 200 % RI every day to prevent deficiencies.
    • Think of extra calcium: the results of calcium deficiency are not immediately visible, but in the long term, this may even lead to osteoporosis.
    • Have your possible deficiencies followed up through a blood analysis. The first year, it is best to repeat this every 3 months, the second year every 6 months and then every year. Take some extra iron if needed.
    • Eat enough proteins. It is recommended to take at least 60 grams of proteins every day.
    • Keep practicing sports and keep moving.
    • Always remember in the back of your head why you chose for a stomach reduction one day.

Anyway, stomach reduction is an important step. That is why it is important that you are followed up well, also after surgery. Talk about it with your physician, surgeon, dietician…. and keep an eye on our blog for extra useful hints.